Townsend's Warbler in sitting in a Santa Cruz tree

From tiny rabbits to curious bobcats, Santa Cruz County is home to a number of amazing species. We often don't think too much about the animals in our neighborhood, even though we share the same spaces every day. In fact, many of them are closer to home than we might think!

As much as we love Santa Cruz County for its abundant wildlife, we also prefer that these animals stay outside. Read on for more information about protecting your property from our most favorite critters—so that all of us can enjoy our homes.

Check Your Windows and Doors

If you have a screen in your windows, check for rips or tears where bugs might find their way in. Anyone who has a screen in their windows knows that bugs sometimes get inside your home regardless. You may have to set up additional traps (such sticky traps) during the summertime, especially if you have indoor plants. 

Although rare, raccoons and other animals do sometimes find their way into Santa Cruz area homes. Make sure that your windows and doors are completely closed if you’re leaving the home, as well as during the night. If you have a dog or cat door, critters can sometimes make their way through here, too (mistakenly thinking this is a door just for them!), so be sure to keep an eye on this area. 

Animals (such as skunks, opossums, or raccoons) can sometimes get into the spaces underneath homes and decks, as well, so check regularly for any possible entry points. 


Squirrel in Santa Cruz area chowing down on grass

Take Note Of Your Yard

It’s important to also maintain your front and backyards in order to dissuade animals from setting up a permanent residence in your home. Rabbits, for example, are typically drawn to some of your most beautiful flowers and might be tempted to chow down on these blooms, so putting up a barrier (either around flower beds or around your fence) might be necessary.

If you have fruit-bearing trees in your front or backyard, these can also attract a variety of animals. It’s best to pick up the fallen fruit or nuts as soon as possible. In addition, placing lights around your yard will generally keep away most of the nocturnal animals that live in your neighborhood—and they make for great ambiance when hosting evening barbecues!

As well, Santa Cruz County residents should avoid feeding any of the wildlife, intentionally or not. Occasionally, we might leave pet food or bowls outside, and this can attract hungry creatures to your backyard. If you set up a bird feeder, know that other animals will likely also try and get at the food, so strategically placing these is recommended. 


Curious deer in front of Santa Cruz home

And Don’t Forget Your Roof!

On the off chance that you don’t want birds, squirrels, or other animals setting up home within your roof, siding, and/or attic, it’s best to keep an eye out on this area of your property. In particular, squirrels can make nests in small gaps, and while very cute, this can cause damage to your home in the long run.

Take note of gaps, cracks, or loose shingles, and repair these as soon as possible—a tip that will likely also save you money if you catch these problems sooner rather than later!

For animal-lovers who still want to provide shelter for the animals in your neighborhood, bird and squirrel houses (yes—they are a thing!) can be purchased or DIY-ed by craftier individuals. These provide a shelter for critters without causing damage to your home. 

Love the Santa Cruz County area? Make the move with us today. Contact Lauren Spencer to get started buying or selling in Santa Cruz County. 

Posted by Lauren Spencer on
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