There are several important criteria to consider when buying Santa Cruz real estate for investment. Some of the items will vary depending on the reason you are buying and the type of investment you are looking to make.

Long term investments such as rental properties can take longer to pay off but the income is consistent.  Short term investments such as buying for quick flips may pay off larger but can be a less regular form of income.

When buying a home for either long or short term real estate investments, it is very important to know exactly what your costs will be compared to potential income. That should be your primary deciding factor when buying investment properties.

Short Term Santa Cruz Real Estate Investments

When you are looking at…

1800 Views, 0 Comments

Selling your property, whether it is a primary home or income property, is easier if you have the information your buyers are likely to want to know on hand. Type up an info sheet answering the most commonly asked questions buyers have when looking at Santa Cruz real estate for sale such as:

• How old is the roof?

• What comes with the property?  Window treatments? Do all of the appliances come with the property?

• How old are the appliances?

• Does the basement leak?

• Where are the hot water heater, the electrical service panel, and other important maintenance items located? Are they easy to access?

• Are you open to owner financing?

• What is the age and condition of the plumbing and wiring?

• Are there schools nearby?

• What is the average…

1449 Views, 0 Comments

Choosing a Santa Cruz real estate agent is a lot like finding the perfect mate: there are plenty out there but just because they are available doesn't mean a relationship will work. There are plenty of real estate agents out there to help you purchase Santa Cruz real estate, and like the old saying about relationships says, there's someone for everyone.

Simply walking in off the street and signing a contract with the first REALTOR® you meet is a pretty sure way to end up in real estate divorce.  Here are some tips on how to make the relationship last.

• Get referrals: Although contacting past clients isn't exactly as good as talking to girlfriends about the guys they've dated, it is a good way to find out if others have been satisfied with the way a…

1598 Views, 0 Comments

Trends At a Glance Jun 2009 Previous Month Year-over Year
Median Price $522,258 $470,000 (+11.1%) $605,000 (-13.7%)
Average Price $571,824 $508,121 (+12.5%) $683,464 (-16.3%)
No. of Sales 183 139 (+31.7%) 154 (+18.8%)
Pending Properties 261 262 (-0.4%) 196 (+33.2%)
Active 741 746 (-0.7%) 1,271 (-41.7%)
Sale vs. List Price 97.8% 98.0% (-0.2%) 97.7% (+0.1%)
Days on Market 82 92 (-11.1%) 90 (-9.3%)

1524 Views, 0 Comments

Even if your Santa Cruz home is cramped for space and has a small yard, you can still get in on growing your own fresh foods for your family's table. The key to growing in small areas is to concentrate on 'must haves' rather than everything under the sun. Family staples like tomatoes take lots of space, but one or two plants can easily provide enough for a family of four all summer long with plenty left over for canning.

How Much is Enough?

Two square feet of dirt is enough to grow a single tomato plant. Most people have more than two square feet of ground somewhere around their Santa Cruz home.

Something that may be more difficult to find around your home is ground with enough direct sunlight.  Choose an area with plenty of exposure to the sun for…

1863 Views, 0 Comments

There are many items you own that never move from the spot you placed them when you brought them home. Some of these objects are very large like televisions or cabinets. Other belongings are lighter but extremely delicate. Valuable items can either be very expensive or just full of sentimental value. How do you protect them from possible damage or loss during a move to your new Santa Cruz home?

• Beg, borrow, or buy bubble wrap. It protects your valuables better than just paper. However, when paper will do, go to news outlets and ask for old papers you can get either at a great discount or for free for wrapping.

• Use old carpet or moving pads to protect your furniture. Even if items are unlikely to break outside of a catastrophe, they can still get…

1580 Views, 0 Comments

It can happen to even the best Santa Cruz home. It has great curb appeal and the interior shows well. So, why isn't it selling? 

Even if your home is the best home in the neighborhood, it can still end up languishing on the market as others around it sell. So, what can you do to get your home sold?

Check Your Price

Being over priced, even by a relatively small amount, is the most common reason homes don't sell.  The wrong price can prevent potential buyers from even looking at your home.  Keep your emotions out of the calculations.  Of course, you love your home and think it's very valuable.  But, you need to look at it as an impartial outsider.  Examine the facts and figures presented by your real estate agent, and take his or her expert advice. …

1647 Views, 0 Comments

If your Santa Cruz home has been sitting on the market for more than three weeks, it's already an "old property." Being an old property hurts sales because buyers looking in that community wonder what is wrong with your home that's keeping it from selling. Even in today's slower market, that holds true. It's human nature to think something must be wrong with an item that hasn't sold quickly. There are things you can do, however, to spruce up your home to make it more appealing and help it sell faster.

A second look from potential buyers can be a life-saver to you when selling your Santa Cruz home. If a previous looker was on the fence, just a few little changes might make them reconsider. Ask your real estate agent to share negative comments from…

1663 Views, 0 Comments

You’ve finally decided you want to buy a piece of Santa Cruz real estate.  What do you do now?  Here are a few tips for getting the best deal for your money:

Check Out Your Credit

The first thing you’ll want to do is order a copy of your credit report from the three major credit bureaus:  Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax.  Look for inaccuracies in:

• Name
• Address
• Creditors
• Late payments
• Delinquencies

After you’ve reviewed your credit report and know your credit score, you’re ready to make improvements to your report, if your credit score is too low.  Send a written “Notice of Correction” to the credit bureaus.  It can be up to 200 words.  If needed, you can explain why you fell behind on a particular debt, and every time a lender accesses the…

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