Aerial view of hands with floor plans, paint samples, fabric swatches, and more

When it comes to updating your space, many homeowners can agree that renovations and interior decorating can be a daunting (and often arduous) task. In fact, this is one of the main reasons that one might decide to put it off for as long as they can—alongside budget constraints, of course—and why first-time homeowners tend to want to find a home that is move-in ready. 

However, for those who are would like to take the first steps of the interior design journey, there are two main options: the DIY route, or the professional route. While a good number of homeowners tackle the project themselves, hiring an interior designer may just be the better choice for you.

What exactly does an interior designer do, and are they different from an interior decorator?

At first glance, these two professions are synonymous, but they are in fact different! An interior decorator works with the existing space to improve the design, which extends to wall colors, furniture, artwork, and other cosmetic improvements.

An interior designer also specializes in making a space functional and stylish—the distinction being that they work with the architecture of the space. This means they handle floor plans, safety and building codes, organizing renovations and supervising construction, and more, on top of designing the space for you,

These careers require differing credentials and certifications. In the state of California, an interior designer does not need to be NCIDQ certified, and instead must have certification from CCIDC (California Council For Interior Design Certification), which requires formal schooling to qualify. An interior decorator does not need these qualifications.

Is an interior designer more expensive than if I did it myself?

There is no definite answer for this! It all comes down to what you’re capable of doing. If you have the experience (perhaps you’ve done this before!), then you might save yourself some money in comparison to hiring a professional. 

Although homeowners may scoff at the high fees for interior designers, you also have the peace of mind knowing that the job will be done right. Doing it on your own means additional time and money put into organization, supervision, planning, and more. For many, this can translate to unwanted stress, so the fees may be the simpler solution.

Interior designers can be paid differently depending on the person hired or project type. This includes flat rates, paid by the hour, and paid by square footage.


Kitchen pencil sketches moving into reality, interior design

How do I find the interior designer that’s right for me?

It really just comes down to research—and lots of it! Take the time to find your niche. Some interior designers specialize in condos, while others do a variety of property types and services, not limited to single-family homes, home staging, hotels, commercial spaces, and more. 

Interior designers should have a portfolio available with examples of their past work. While reading reviews is definitely helpful and an important step, seeing what an interior designer or interior design company has done for other clients is priceless in your quest to find the perfect match. This helps you select the best person to fit with your own personal style.

You can contact a few interior designers that you’re interested in. From there, you may discuss the project through email or through a meeting, where they will be able to answer some of your questions and may be able to provide you with a rough estimate. 

What's the process of working with an interior designer like?

If you’ve settled on an interior designer, you’ll want to outline exactly what you’re looking for. This initial consultation is where you can go over your wants and needs, and they will be able to tell you what’s possible and what isn’t. After this, they’ll return to you with some plans, which will be further refined until they meet your approval. They will likely need some information from you regarding your property, as well, so be prepared to provide this.

If this is a team, then you may be working with several different people, each of whom will tackle a specific area or task. After you have agreed upon the work that will be done (including either an estimate or a firm rate), then the work will begin. 

Set your expectations accordingly. Working with an interior designer often requires meetings and check-ins, the reviewing of samples, project updates, and more. This is not as hands-off as many would think! Each interior designer has their own methodology, but these steps (of which there are many!) are set in place to ensure that you, the client, are getting exactly what you want.

Dreaming of moving to the Santa Cruz area? Contact Lauren Spencer to get started. The perfect home is just one click away!

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