Close up of fancy dining table at restaurant


When it comes to dining options in and around Santa Cruz, the city offers a diverse selection of cuisine from around the world. For a quick bite at a street food place during a busy lunch break, or a fancy meal at a fine dining restaurant to celebrate an anniversary, there’s something for all budgets and all occasions.

For smaller events, such as a family dinner or a get-together with friends, Santa Cruz has a number of restaurants that offer casual or semi-private dining spaces. However, for something a bit more special, some locations in Santa Cruz do offer private dining—a more secluded experience, either at tables sequestered away from the rest of the crowd or in a separate room altogether.


Discover some of the area’s unique…

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Aerial view over estuary and water at Elkhorn Slough Reserve

Located outside of Watsonville, California, between the communities of Elkhorn and Las Lomas, Elkhorn Slough Reserve is a large estuary and open space just inland from Monterey Bay. At about 3,600 acres in size (of the 45,000 acres in total), this conservation area is home to a multitude of plants and wildlife, including sixteen different animal species with the threatened or endangered designation. The staff at Elkhorn Slough Reserve work to preserve and restore the natural habitat for the animals that live there, as well as provide education to those who visit. 

Discover why a trip to Elkhorn Slough Reserve makes for an incredible day out in the Santa Cruz area, perfect for hikers and nature-lovers alike.

Elkhorn Slough Reserve: A Brief…

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