The winter season makes staging, or the concept of showing your Santa Cruz home at its best, even more important.  Follow these tips to make your home irresistible:

1. Make every surface shine: Shine bathroom fixtures, stove, refrigerator and faucets.

2. Sweep your front porch: Sweep away all those leaves stuck in the corners.

3. Clean, Clean, Clean: Everything from lamps and light fixtures to bulbs and baseboards.

4. Add fresh flowers: Put them on the entry table, dining room table and anywhere else that needs a splash of color.

5. Remove all clutter: Put it in a storage locker or a friend’s garage. Take down all your personal pictures.  Buyers want to picture their belongings in the house, not yours.

6. Burn potpourri: Or bake something to leave out for potential buyers.

7. Leave every light on:  And every interior door open.

8. Warm it up. Adjust the thermostat so your home is warm and inviting.

9. Take advantage of natural light: Encourage showings during daylight hours. Have all curtains and blinds open during the day and closed at night.

10. Wash the windows: Buyers act on first impressions; the strong winter sun can reveal grime and turn away prospective buyers.

11. Create a little atmosphere: Play music softly in the background. Tune the radio to a classical station, and turn it down so that you barely hear it in the background.

12. Show off hardwood floors: Pull up that wall-to-wall carpeting, clean the floors, store the throw rugs and show the wood!

13. Freshen the walls: At a minimum, clean the walls from top to bottom.  If they still look dingy, give them a fresh coat of paint.  That is the quickest and fastest way to freshen up a room.

14. Use the rule of 3 – Three items per surface, in every room.  Make it look uncluttered and clean by doing this.

If you are ready to sell your Santa Cruz home, I can help you get it on the market and sold.  Call me today at 831.662.6522 or email me at for more information.

For additional information visit my homepage at


Clean, Clean, Clean

Use the rule of 3

Wash the windows


Posted by Lauren Spencer on


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