Is there anything more enchanting than having hummingbirds visit your Santa Cruz real estate? These tiny creatures are the size of a large bug. Their lightning speed, amazing hovering abilities and threadlike tongues are a marvel to behold.

Here are some ways to make your Santa Cruz real estate attractive to hummingbirds:

1. Hang hummingbird feeders. This is the quickest method.
 Make it sweet. Fill your feeder with a simple solution made of one part white sugar to four parts water.
 Don’t use honey. Solutions made with honey will ferment and can kill hummingbirds.
 Keep it clean. Rinse the feeder before every refilling, and wash it periodically. Be sure to rinse the soap out very thoroughly. Once a month, disinfect with hydrogen peroxide and rinse thoroughly before refilling.
 Don’t forget Fluffy. If you have a cat, make sure to place your feeder where she can’t access it or its visitors.

2. Plant flowers that attract hummers. If you think you might not be able to maintain feeders and keep them clean, flowers are an excellent choice. Hummingbirds’ favorites include butterfly weed (Asclepias tuberosa), salvia, delphiniums, foxglove, and four o’clocks (Mirabilis), but there are many more. The beauty of planting flowers for hummingbirds is, well, the beauty of flowers! You get to enjoy them, and you’ll be creating habitat for butterflies and other pollinators too. Hummingbirds will benefit from better nutrition provided by nectar. It’s a natural.

Once you attract hummingbirds to your Santa Cruz real estate, go out and enjoy them. Hummingbirds are attracted to red. Try wearing a red shirt or a red cap and go outside. You’ll be the main attraction for a few magical moments when they hover in front of you to investigate.

I have lots of tips for making your Santa Cruz real estate attractive—to buyers too! Contact me at 831.662.6522 or whether you’re selling or buying.

For additional information please visit my homepage at


Hummingbird feeder

Butterfly weed


Posted by Lauren Spencer on


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